Barcelona to Ban Short-Term Apartment Rentals by 2028

Looking to combat soaring housing costs, Barcelona mayor Jaume Collboni announced plans to ban short-term apartment rentals by the end of 2028. The measure aims to strip more than 10,000 apartments of their short-term rental licenses.

Collboni referred to short-term vacation rentals as „Barcelona’s largest problem,“ highlighting a 68% increase in rents over the past decade and a 38% rise in the cost of buying a home during the same period. This decision comes as the city aims to address the affordability crisis in the housing market.

Barcelona’s decision to crack down on short-term rentals follows New York’s similar measures implemented last September. While supporters argue that such regulations improve housing affordability, platforms like Airbnb have expressed concerns about the effectiveness of these restrictions. Jay Carney of Airbnb emphasized the need for balanced regulation that addresses housing issues without stifling economic activity.

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